PANACEO Med Intestinal Repair
by Dr. Kade Health Care

Case Panaceo
Case Panaceo
Panaceo Banner - Holes in the intestine

The initial situation

Leaky Gut is the cause of many gastrointestinal problems. PANACEO Med Gut Repair by Dr. Kade Health Care is a medical product specifically developed for the treatment of Leaky Gut Syndrome.

The challenge

Leaky gut syndrome is largely unknown. Therefore, in order to increase product demand, a creative idea was needed to create awareness and attention for the problem.

The Insight

The market in the area of intestinal health is booming. The jungle of feel-good products obscures the fact that serious causes can lie behind some complaints. So leaky gut syndrome needs to be established before it can be addressed.

The creative twist

In the print and online campaign, we set typographic messages to the theme by depicting some of the letters like holes - in keeping with the Leaky Gut phenomenon "holes in the gut".

The result

A large poster near the POS rounds off the integrated campaign and makes it easy to experience what leaky gut means.

Other projects and campaigns

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for reputation and council

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